Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Mind Games

A person likes you and looks for ways to come closer to you ... to become your friend. And once that person is your friend he/she becomes the best one ever ... shares secrets, is there for you in your hour of need, stands up for you and fights for you, lends their shoulder to you for you to cry on, helps you out emotionally or financially. You start trusting that person. But slowly you start losing all your other friends because this person won’t share you with anyone. You become emotionally attached and dependent on that person. And this is when the mind games begin.

Manipulating you by showing you the fault of your other friends, of emotionally blackmailing you and reminding you that “I have always stood by you and worked for your good. If you choose not to believe me or listen to me then we can call this friendship quits” ... You are now isolated. You are scared of losing the only close friend in your life and hence agree to whatever the person says. The person knows how vulnerable you are and plays upon your insecurities very well. Instead of helping you to be independent, the person ensures that he/she becomes your mental crutch. You forget how to think, react or resolve on your own and rely on this mental crutch for all your problems. 

You might wonder why would anyone do something so sinister. Well, human tendency is such that it loves to control things around it – nature, weather, machinery, etc. And what else could be the most powerful form of yielding control than over another person’s mind? It feeds their sense of power and once they know that they have full control over someone’s mind they move on to another person ... leaving the one behind a complete emotional wreck. They actually don’t care about you. They just enjoy the power of controlling your mind and influencing your decisions to their advantage, all under the garb of friendship. Garb of friendship because a true friend never imposes their opinions on you. A true friend will advise you and then respect your decision regardless.

A true friend will never play mind games on you.